RMIT University

RMIT Orientation Carnivale - Finding things

Here are Carnivale Venue and Campus Maps to help you find your way.

When you first arrive at RMIT it might seem big and imposing. Well, it is a big place but it has a certain concrete charm all its own. You'll find it before you know it. Try to take a tour if you can. Your department should offer a tour. If they don't, get them to call John Jones and arrange one. There will probably be a tour of the library which is well worth the time.

You will see this a lot: 10.4.32. This is RMIT speak for building 10, level 4, room 32. Levels are numbered from the bottom to the top. Level four of buildings 8 to 14, the main caf and services level, is just above street level because there are three levels below. Usually level 1 is a basement.

Carnivale Venues - hotspots take you to photo of venues

Campus Maps


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